Our thoughts go out to everyone impacted by the California wildfires. As this tragic event continues to unfold, we want to share our support and make you aware of community resources available for California Schools VEBA members and their families during this crisis.

Latest Updates

Greater Los Angeles Wildfires | 211LA: This page includes the most current critical information on the fires, evacuation orders, shelters (animal and human), closures (road, county, and city), power outage information, and other essential services.

San Diego County Wildfires | 211SD: This page includes information and connections to disaster resources, power outage information, and other essential services. You can register for emergency alerts here.


211: This is a free, confidential, non-emergency hotline that anyone in the state can call 24/7 to be connected to essential community services. Simply dial 2-1-1 or visit https://www.211.org/about-us/your-local-211 for more information.

Teladoc Natural Disaster Hotline: California residents in Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties affected by the wildfires can call the Natural Disaster Hotline at 855-225-5032 or visit  https://www.teladochealth.com/disaster-hotline/. 

Important Notes: This service is available free of charge to any individual impacted by the wildfires and is not tied to a current Teladoc membership. Teladoc members: you must use the hotline above to receive services free of charge. If you contact Teladoc through the normal login, you will be charged a standard visit fee based on eligibility.

Educators and Caregivers: the National Association of School Psychologists has gathered this helpful resource  for guidance and tips on helping children after a wildfire.

California Department of Education (CDE) Resources: The CDE has organized resources and guidance for educators, administrators, students, and parents in California to support students.


When a big event affects our lives and our communities, it’s understandable to feel unsettled and unsure about the future.

Help is available for all VEBA members and dependents:

  • Finding financial assistance  
  • Applying for disaster relief  
  • Understanding how to replace important documents  
  • Connecting to a counselor to talk about what you’ve experienced  
  • And more

Visit https://optumwellbeing.com/criticalsupportcenter for critical support resources and information.

Optum Emotional Wellbeing Solutions

Feeling overwhelmed or need someone to talk to? All VEBA members and their dependents receive access to Optum Emotional Wellbeing Solutions (EWS), designed to provide caring support for serious problems like the emotional challenges presented by this crisis. Available 24/7, experienced guides are available to listen and offer strategies and confidential support at no cost to you.

Phone or virtual appointments available. Call 888-625-4809 or visit www.liveandworkwell.com.

  • Click “Browse with an access code”
  • Enter access code: VEBA
  • Go to the Emotional Wellbeing Solutions site to register an account

Cigna Healthcare Mental Health Support Line  

Cigna members and their family members can talk with a qualified mental health representative through Cigna’s 24/7 toll-free number 866-912-1687

Individuals without Cigna coverage can access the resources at the Cigna Disaster Resource Center to help manage the emotions of coping with tragedy.

Kaiser Permanente Resource Expansion

Kaiser Permanente has temporarily expanded their pharmacy network, lifted early refill restrictions, and is offering care coordination with non-Kaiser providers for those unable to access our facilities. For updates and resources, please visit kp.org or call the Kaiser Permanente 24/7 Member Services Contact Center:

  • English: 1-800-464-4000
  • Spanish: 1-800-788-0616
  • Chinese dialects: 1-800-757-7585
  • TTY: 711

VSP Eyewear Replacements  

VSP members: No-cost eye care and replacement eyewear are available. Any VSP member who has lost or broken their eyewear due to the fires can call the VSP Member Services Support Line: 800- 877-7195 to have their VSP benefits reinstated regardless of eligibility. 

Individuals without VSP coverage can contact their local American Red Cross chapter or call 800-RED-CROSS (800-733-2767) to ask about support for replacement eyewear, which may include VSP Eyes of Hope gift certificates or an alternative solution. 

You can also refer to https://www.vsp.com/natural-disaster-resources, which is available 24/7.

Emergency Dental Care and Treatment

Delta Dental members: For essential oral care support, you can reach out to DeltaCare USA Customer Service: 1-800-422-4234 (TTY: 711) Monday-Friday, 5 am – 6 pm PST. If a dentist is unavailable due to the current emergency or if you face any special situations or extenuating circumstances caused by the wildfires, you can also contact customer service for assistance.

For more information, visit: www.deltadentalins.com