Woman doing downard dog yoga pose at home

From Sharp Health News, a publication of Sharp HealthCare

Yoga is packed with benefits for overall health — including your heart’s health. Taking longer, smoother and more controlled breaths can help lower blood pressure, calm the nervous system and even relieve stress, making yoga a great practice for everyone, including those with cardiovascular disease.

There are several restorative poses that increase blood circulation in a gentle way, such as downward-facing dog, standing forward folds, legs up the wall and happy baby.

Then, there are more intense, strengthening inversions — handstands, forearm stands and crow pose — that require supporting your body weight on either your hands or forearms.

These postures require — and build — a lot of body strength and endurance. Both the restorative and strengthening inversions benefit the heart and can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The VEBA Resource Center offers Sunrise Yoga Classes. Join this early morning yoga class, perfect for all levels, to help you start your day grounded, centered and focused. Check out our calendar to sign up for an upcoming class.