Many people see health as only physical, but health is so much more than that.
A key indicator of someone’s overall well-being is a sense of purpose. It can even impact your mental and physical health.
Growing research has shown that having a sense of purpose in life can help reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions and even premature mortality. Finding purpose in your everyday life is essential to living a happier, healthier life.
It can seem difficult if it’s not something you already have, but anyone can find a sense of purpose with some self-reflection and actionable steps.
What is purpose?
Your life purpose is the reason that you get up in the morning. When you have a sense of purpose, your life has meaning, you have direction, and you can start to build your life around that purpose.
Having a sense of purpose gives you fulfillment and satisfaction, no matter where it stems from. Purpose can often be connected to someone’s work or career, but not always.
One of the most beautiful things about purpose is that it’s different for everyone and you get to decide what gives you purpose, not anyone else. Having a sense of purpose isn’t just important for life satisfaction, it’s also important for your overall health. People may find their purpose through different avenues, but it’s something that anyone and everyone can do.
Purpose and mental health
Your mental health is one of the main components of your overall health. Finding purpose can greatly impact your mental health for the better.
It’s normal to occasionally feel overwhelmed or anxious, especially with everything you have on your plate. But constant stress can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health. Connecting with your sense of purpose gives you an anchor to keep uncomfortable feelings at bay.
Researchers have found that people with a sense of purpose had significantly lower levels of depression and anxiety. Life purpose may also help people develop greater resilience after experiencing a negative event. This has been found across different ages, educational levels, ethnicities, and demographics.
When you have purpose, you have something that motivates you outside of needing to check things off of a to-do list. Purpose can transform life from mundane to meaningful. Focusing on purpose helps you to cultivate positive emotions which help support your overall health and well-being.
Purpose and physical health
It’s not just your mental health, purpose also affects your physical health. The reduced stress levels help support your mental and physical health. Reducing your stress levels through things that bring you purpose can help reduce the risk of many health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes.
That’s not to say that finding purpose will completely heal underlying health issues or that you can’t have purpose if you don’t feel “healthy”. Purpose is for everyone and anyone can find it, no matter the state of their physical health.
Researchers have also found that people with a sense of purpose are more likely to make healthier life choices that help support their physical health. They discovered that people with a sense of purpose were more likely to stay physically active, have better quality sleep, and are less likely to smoke cigarettes or have heavy alcohol use. All of these lifestyle choices tie back to better physical health outcomes.
How to find purpose
It’s common to believe that purpose has to be this formal calling you’re constantly striving for, but that’s not always true. Purpose can be found in the little moments in life. These “little moments” add up over time to create an overarching sense of purpose in your daily life.
The more you practice things that bring you fulfillment and feel meaningful, the easier it will be to find a sense of purpose.
Reflect on what matters to you
One of the biggest ways to discover your purpose is to reflect on what matters most. What is most valuable to you in life?
Take a moment and think about what “lights you up.” Some of the most common values people hold are around:
- Personal connections – family, friends, partners
- Giving back or supporting a cause that holds meaning to you
- Joy and fun: reflect on the last time you felt joy. The source of that joy may be connected to something that gives you purpose
Some people may find purpose in traveling the world while others may find it in tending to the garden in their backyard. Remembering what fulfills you is a shortcut to finding your purpose.
Purpose in everyday life
It’s easy to fall into a rut when you’re just going about your daily life. Between work, chores, and errands, sometimes it’s difficult to remember your purpose in life.
Purpose doesn’t have to be a big goal or something outside yourself that you’re constantly striving for. Purpose can also be found in the little moments of your everyday life.
These are some ways to remember your purpose in your daily life:
- Practice moments of gratitude
- Focus on connecting with yourself and those around you
- Take one small step each day that feels in line with your purpose
It can be discouraging to “find your purpose” if it’s a new concept, but remember each little moment counts.
Find hobbies
Hobbies are something that you do just for the sake of doing something. You don’t need to make a career out of it or feel like you constantly need to achieve something or advance.
Hobbies help bring you a sense of purpose by finding joy and activating parts of yourself that you might not otherwise. Sometimes this means being creative or doing physical activities that don’t just focus on exercise.
These are just a few of the many hobbies that can help bring you purpose:
- Join an adult sports team
- Learn to play an instrument
- Practice a visual art like painting
- Volunteering for a cause you care about
Many hobbies can also help connect you with a community where you can find a deeper purpose.
Fostering meaningful connections
Humans are incredibly social creatures and often serve as mirrors for one another. Taking time to foster and nurture your social connections is essential to finding purpose in your life.
Any type of connection can be meaningful, that can include:
- Family members
- Friends and “chosen family”
- Coworkers
- Your spouse or partner
- Random connections
It helps to think about who is already in your life and how you can actively connect with them on a deeper level. You can start by sending a random message to tell someone you’re thinking about them when they pop into your head or by organizing group meals or activities.
Purpose and well-being
There is no one right way to find your purpose and know that it will look different for everyone. Purpose is not a destination, instead, it’s a continuous journey of finding what makes life meaningful to you.
Finding a sense of purpose is key to helping support your physical and mental health. You can start by finding purpose in your everyday life, picking up a new hobby, and connecting with community.
If you would like a better understanding of your purpose, reflect on what’s meaningful to you and what action steps you can take to help you feel connected to your purpose. Purpose is an integral part of your wellbeing, you can find yours too!